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Am I a Fraud?

As an achiever and entrepreneur I’ll be honest, I’ve asked myself this question many a time. One instance that stands out took place in 2009 as I stood in front of a crowd of over 5,000 people and shared my keys to succeeding in the direct sales industry. I was chosen by corporate leadership because the data showed I had the highest retention rate of any other Platinum President in the business. My peers respected me and sent their teams to attend my trainings sessions, and if that wasn’t enough, I had just completed my highest 6 figure earning year in business. Yet in still… I stood before that audience and felt like I had pulled the wool over their eyes. The knowledge that I gained through those successes pales in comparison to all I realized I didn’t know. Instead of focusing on the value I could provide, I found myself focusing on what value I was missing.

Does this story resonate with you? Do you find yourself lacking in confidence or momentum in your business because you feel you aren’t “all who you say you are” or “who you appear to be on social media”?

  • I’m not successful because I haven’t done XYZ…

  • I’m not a real entrepreneur because…

  • Who said I am an expert in this field?

  • I made it this far because of luck or right timing…

  • I have had success because of others…

  • What really makes me better than the others in my industry?

These are all thoughts of the “imposter” coming into play and though you may never get rid of Imposter Syndrome you can learn to navigate those feelings and plow through to get work done.

Here are a few hints on how to keep imposter syndrome at bay:

  1. Awareness - be aware of it, read about it, and talk about it.

  2. Take a look at your bio or resume and ensure you are NOT minimizing your experience as you describe yourself and business to others.

  3. Language - ensure you aren’t describing your success as luck or timing when the reality is your success is a result of preparation, work, and being open to opportunity.

  4. Over-Preparation and studying excessively is a method of feeling more confident, but it often confirms Imposter Syndrome as though it is required for your success.

  5. Keep a file of comments from clients and others giving you positive feedback of your work; going to this file in times of low confidence can help you remember how great you truly are!

Understanding Imposter Syndrome is worth your time and additional study as it impacts so many women and can hinder your success as a CEO.

Take a look at the following articles for quick reading and see how FAMOUS WOMEN recognize Imposter Syndrome in their lives too!


Share with us how this article has impacted you and changed your thinking?

Coach Jennifer is the Regional Director for the MidWest Region of the CEO Chick Network. She is a life and business coach certified with the John Maxwell Team.

“The knowledge that I gained through those successes pales in comparison to all I realized I didn’t know." — CEO Chick Regional Director and Coach Jennifer Enders


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